Malaga Airport AVE Port Parking
Arrival and Output of Parking
ecoParking is a parking lot next to the Malaga airport, known for its low prices and its excellent service and location.
Our parking include:
Parking Covered and asphalted
Full Insurance
Video - Watch 24H (police licensed)
Perimeter Wall
All Licenses, Aena...
Service and Transfer 24H
Guarantee Agencies
External Cleaning

Collect and deliver your car directly into our facilities, so you can know where your vehicle will be while you are traveling. In this way, you will have totally no worries because as you can check, our facilities are with the legal agreements, we have 24h CCTV authorized by the police, and we assure that your vehicle will never get out of our facilities.
Beware from other companies that collect and delivery cars in the airport, because you does not have the chance to know about their facilities and your vehicle can be exposed to breakdowns, accident, fines for speed, etc. To save this worry, you will leave your vehicle in the parking lot for yourself.
After you leave your vehicle with us, we will take you with your luggage in our free minibus to the boarding gate (about 3 minutes way). The minibus is unscheduled, that means that it will be available for you at any time.
At the return from your trip, we will pick you up at the courtesy bus stop and we will take you back to our facilities to pick up your car.
For your convenience, we will give you a map with your ticket before you go to travel and we will explain where and when we will pick you up at your return.
Our facilities include parking areas covered and paved, comprehensive insurance, video vigilance CCTV 24h authorized by the police, perimeter wall, all the licenses in order, services and transfers 24 hours, agencies guaranties and an external car wash.
Also if you wish, you can choose for a razonable price some of our extra services (Have a look to our section “Sevices” inside our website), we have availables integral washing, polishing, oil changing, puncture fix, brake pad changing, and more.
If you have to pass the MOT in the meantime that your vehicle is parked with us, we personally can take the appointment and bring it to the MOT instead of you.
From Ecoparking we want to thanks to all our clients for their confidence in us.